August 14, 2013
My name, if I am not known to you other than by legend alone, is Juan Exagerito, el Lobo Solitario. I will tell you a tale that upon hearing, you will not believe for I will sound mucho the big fibber and the teller of tall tales. However, having seen the proof, of which I have a very large quantity, you will know me to be the teller of a tale very bizarre.

The story, for which I chose the first page to begin, starts with a strange tale that I myself heard of a wild child, raised by the wolves they say, in the desert region outside the small village near Oaxaca. A child they called Pe Pe Pantalonies. Since he had known only the way of the wolf, Pe Pe was made to live with the dogs inside a cage outside of the local cantina. I realized that only I, el Lobo Solitario, could save him an teach him to be a human being again. Five minutes later, I was on the way home and Pe Pe Pantalonies was with me.

I set out first to teach him to be a man, mucho un hombre. Like myself. I started by teaching him the meaning of the word "work" for I am not the alms box to stick his little hand in with the gimmes. He was taught to haul laundry to the washer to earn his keep.

Do not forget that Pe Pe was raised, not by Juan, but by the wolves with no table manners. At first, he would eat no beans ... he would eat no tortillas ... not even the chile pepper would he taste. He would only eat the food of the wolf. With this, I was with much luck for the road ran very close to mi casa and food was plentiful.

You are thinking to yourself, this job - to make a being of the human kind from a dog child, it is easy! It is I that am here to tell you this it is not so. Many books they are written by the peoples who among them all have never done such a thing as to have a child, but say to Juan anyway, "Spare the cane". It is Juan, el Lobo Solitario, that says back to them, "This is not the way of the wolf child. The wolf child's hearing improves mucho with the switching with the briar bush".

The wolf child has only to sit once for the time out on the top of the fire ant hill to understand what Juan means by "Juan said No".

In no time, Pe Pe, his table manners, they were the finest!

He love no longer to eat the wolf food and Juan teach him to eat the organic vegetables.
In no time, the wolf child was the wolf no longer. He was Pe Pe Pantalonies. He was a man ... molded in the image of his benefactor ... his knight of the shiny armor and the white burro ... his idol ... el Lobo Solitario.

Being a parent is not the normal thing for Juan, but having owned many pets, it was not difficult for Juan to get the hang of. The most good life of the dog that Juan has heard about must not be so much the truth cause Juan's dog it did not hang around so long. Pe Pe Pantalones did, however, and it was a good thing. Pe Pe learned the Fetch word very quick like.

Juan he love the honey, but no love has Juan for the sting of the bee. Pe Pe, being the wolf child before he come to look like little Juan, did not know the piñata from the beehive. Juan need only say, "Pe Pe knock down the piñata and get the candy" and Juan, he gets the honey and Pe Pe he learns the lesson.

Take it from Juan, raising the child, it is not always the easy thing. Juan, he is thinking this is because of the wolf things. Pe Pe, he does not like the inside bathroom, but seems to like the hole with the big steel top that Juan has seen near the pasture with many houses.

When Pe Pe, he acts like he is the wolf child and not the son of Juan, then he will be in the time-out ... not tomorrow ... not when Juan gets home ... he will be in the timeout in the instance and Juan he will not feel sad for Pe Pe until he learns to stand on two feet like the man with no fur and not on four feet like the wolf with fur and a long tail.
My name, if I am not known to you other than by legend alone, is Juan Exagerito, el Lobo Solitario. If you know me tomorrow, I will still be Juan Exagerito, but not el Lobo Solitario. Tomorrow, you will know me as Juan and Pe Pe. Juan and Pe Pe, we look out for each the other.

Sometimes we, Juan and Pe Pe, hike in the woods and hear the growls of the ferocious animal ... we find ourselves in the tight squeeze. I say to Pe Pe, "We are in the tight squeeze, let us hide behind the pimple tree for the growls they may be the
chupacabra. Pe Pe you stand in front and I will protect you."

Sometimes we hike in the woods and see the fence stepped on by the Sasquatch, and I say to Pe Pe, "Stay right in front of me and when the Sasquatch comes for you, it is me he will find with the stick upon his head from behind."

Sometimes we hike in the woods, and Pe Pe he keeps the eyes open with the Senor Citizen Bifocal Binoculars for the Sasquatch and the
chupacabra so safe Juan and Pe Pe will be.

Pe Pe and Juan, we take the picnic in the woods and we feel safe with each ... our backs we watch for the other.
If you find the wolf child, we, Juan and Pe Pe, say here's to you if you take him home. Even wolf childs need a home.
If you ask Pe Pe, he will say "Si, it is hard work to be the wolf child and now little Juan". If you ask Juan, he will say "Si, it is hard to be the two Juan's for everyone knows two is alway more than Juan."
For Pe Pe, it is hard
For Juan, it is tiring
For Juan and Pe Pe, it is hot
Maybe after a little siesta
It will all make sense.
Buenas Noches
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