The proof we needed soon presented itself. Sasquatch, if nothing else, is known for its personal hygiene. Any sasquatch hunter worth his salt knows that when a sasquatch poops in the wild, he covers it with lots of straw. We were all over it!
We plunged deep into the forest ... hot on the sasquatch trail. Clearly, the uprooted tree we found was the work of a bigfoot.
We climbed to the top to check for hair samples or other evidence it may have left.

I can't tell you how surprised we were with our next find. Turns out, we were dealing with an urban sasquatch. Urban squatchs do not poop in the woods ... duh ... they use squatch toilets!

Believe it or not, even squatchs like to have fun. What's more fun than a swing suspended over the creek. Bigfoot had made a good one and we took a few minutes to enjoy it ourselves.
Even ole deadeye got excited and joined in. You might know her as Putter.

We stumbled upon a bigfoot nest nearby. They like to dig out small caves amidst the root systems of large trees and hide out there during the day. This spot had definitely been used recently.
In fact, we spotted him heading over the ridge.
You really don't want to corner a bigfoot ... in the woods ... in broad daylight. When they have been chased out a hiding place, they can be pretty bad-tempered! We thought, "Why risk all of us getting hurt?" So, we sent one of us up the hill to check it out.
We were so close to getting him. He knocked over a gate at the top of the ridge and then we lost his tracks in the creek. Man ... those things can fly when they are scared!
None of us realized how hungry we were ... up til now, it had all been about the chase. We flopped on the ground and dug in - trail mix, cookies and the rest!
We didn't get a sasquatch this time. But, that doesn't mean that we are giving up. Daniel Boone didn't get to be a mountain man by not killing a bear. Jim Bowie did not get famous by not sharpening a knife. William Bonney did not get his picture in the newspaper by not "Kid"ing around. So, we used our time to train our youngest sasquatch hunter a bit ... to teach him a few tricks of the trade
... like standing in cold water on a brisk day.

... and how to cross the creek ... adventure style!
... and this time
... nobody fell in
... a MIRACLE!
... another day
... cause
... even the most seasoned sasquatch hunter
... gets tired!
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